Thursday, November 14, 2019

creating a domain with WLST

in WLS 12.1 + the script no longer supports a silent installation

./ -silent -response response_file

see Document "Can be Run in Silent or Non-GUI Mode in Weblogic 12c ? (Doc ID 2370636.1) "

"The configuration tool only works in GUI mode with 12.1.x and above. In order to create a domain without using a GUI the WLST tool will need to be used. "

this is really stupid, 99% of Linux machines are headless

and using UI defeats automation

here how to create a domain with WLST:

but when you do:

selectTemplate('Base WebLogic Server Domain')

you get a

Caused by: 60708: Template not found.

60708: Found no templates with Base WebLogic Server Domain name and null version

60708: Select a different template.



do a showAvailableTemplates()

'20849: Available templates.\n20849: Currently available templates for loading: WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension:\nWebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension:\nWebLogic JAX-WS SOAP/JMS Extension:\nBasic WebLogic Server Domain:\nWebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension:\n\n20849: No action required.\n'

so the solution is

selectTemplate('Basic WebLogic Server Domain', '')

To find out more info on the domain template (like wls.jar) open its template-info.xml

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