create table PIPPO (name varchar2 (32)); alter table PIPPO add constraint check_name check (REGEXP_LIKE(name,'bi|bo|ba','c'));
If you try inserting some crap you get:
Error starting at line 5 in command: INSERT INTO "CMDBUSER"."PIPPO" (NAME) VALUES ('bu') Error report: SQL Error: ORA-02290: check constraint (CMDBUSER.CHECK_NAME) violated 02290. 00000 - "check constraint (%s.%s) violated" *Cause: The values being inserted do not satisfy the named check *Action: do not insert values that violate the constraint.
If you get something like this below it means that your regex is bad or that the last parameter of REGEXP_LIKE is not legal (e.g. if you enter it UPPER CASE instead of lower case):
INSERT INTO "CMDBUSER"."PIPPO" (NAME) VALUES ('bu') ORA-01760: illegal argument for function ORA-06512: at line 1
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