Friday, November 4, 2011

OSB, customizing the customization file ALSBCustomizationFile.xml

I hate having to modify the ALSBCustomizationFile.xml with tokens to be replaced or, even worse, maintain a separate ALSBCustomizationFile.xml per environment.

And I believe the "find and replace" strategy is weak and error-prone.

Better define in a separate file what you want to customize and its new value. One file per environment. Sweet and simple.

At last I can put all pieces together:

Your "" file should be like this:

ProxyService:OSBProject1/ProxyService1:Service URI=/OSBProject1/ProxyServicePluto

and this is the Groovy code:

import groovy.xml.XmlUtil

 * Lookup customization file
 * Search //cus:envValueAssignments[(cus:envValueAssignments/xt:owner/xt:type/text() == $1 
 *          AND //cus:envValueAssignments/xt:owner/xt:path/text() = $2)][xt:envValueType == $3]
 * and replace their xt:value with $4

def customizations = new XmlSlurper().parse("ALSBCustomizationFile.xml").declareNamespace(xt: '',xsi: '', cus : '')

//println XmlUtil.serialize( customizations )

File theInfoFile = new File("")

theInfoFile.eachLine { line ->
  if ( (line.trim().size() == 0) || (line.trim().startsWith("#")) ) {
   // ignore
  } else {
    words = line.split("=")
    keys = words[0].split(":")
    value = words[1]

  ownerType = keys[0]
  ownerPath = keys[1]
  envValueType = keys[2]
  customizations.'cus:customization'.each {

   if (it.'@xsi:type' == "cus:EnvValueCustomizationType") {
    println "FOUND"
    for (item in it.'cus:envValueAssignments') {
     if ( (item.'xt:envValueType' == envValueType) &&  (item.'xt:owner'.'xt:type' = ownerType) &&  (item.'xt:owner'.'xt:path' = ownerPath) ) {
      println "ITEM " + envValueType + " " + ownerType + " " + ownerPath + ", before is " + item.'xt:value'
      println "ITEM " + envValueType + " " + ownerType + " " + ownerPath + ",  after is " + item.'xt:value'
   } // if
  } // each
   } // if else

println XmlUtil.serialize( customizations )

Groovy is great but not intuitive and self-explanatory to use.... Groovy plugin for Eclipse does code completion but can't introspect the runtime type of a variable, of course...

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