Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Groovy: parsing XML with namespaces

99% of the examples on the Internet show how to parse XML without namespaces.

Unfortunately in real life 99% of the XML HAS namespaces :o(

Here is an example, the source XML is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cus:Customizations xmlns:cus="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xt="">
  <cus:customization xsi:type="cus:EnvValueCustomizationType">
      <xt:envValueType>UDDI Auto Publish</xt:envValueType>
      <xt:location xsi:nil="true"/>
      <xt:value xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="">false</xt:value>
      <xt:envValueType>Service URI</xt:envValueType>
      <xt:location xsi:nil="true"/>
      <xt:value xsi:type="xs:string" xmlns:xs="">/OSBProject1/ProxyServicePippo</xt:value>
  <cus:customization xsi:type="cus:FindAndReplaceCustomizationType">
      <xt:envValueTypes>UDDI Auto Publish</xt:envValueTypes>
      <xt:envValueTypes>Service URI</xt:envValueTypes>
      <xt:refsToSearch xsi:type="xt:ResourceRefType">
      <xt:searchString>Search String</xt:searchString>
    <cus:replacement>Replacement String</cus:replacement>
  <cus:customization xsi:type="cus:ReferenceCustomizationType">

The Groovy-XmlParser is:

def customizations = new XmlParser().parse("ALSBCustomizationFile.xml")
def cus = new groovy.xml.Namespace("")
def xt = new groovy.xml.Namespace("")
def xsi = new groovy.xml.Namespace("")

customizations[cus.customization].each {
    if (it.attributes()[xsi.type] == 'cus:EnvValueCustomizationType') {
        println "FOUND!"

    def values = it[cus.envValueAssignments][xt.envValueType]
    for (value in values) {
        print value


{}envValueType[attributes={}; value=[UDDI Auto Publish]]{
pes}envValueType[attributes={}; value=[Service URI]]

The Groovy-XmlSlurper way is:

def customizations = new XmlSlurper().parse("ALSBCustomizationFile.xml").declareNamespace(xt: '',xsi: '', cus : '')

println customizations

customizations.'cus:customization'.each {
    println "UNO"
 if (it.'@xsi:type' == "cus:EnvValueCustomizationType") {
  println "TROVATO"

The very annoying difference between XmlParser and XmlSlurper is that in the first you use ns.part and in the other ns:part


Luciano said...

You can also initialize XmlSlurper to ignore Namespaces:, boolean)

new XmlSlurper(false, false)

Same goes for XmlParser:, boolean)

new XmlParser(false, false)

In this way you can reference a node without having to declare the namespaces.

Unknown said...

Luciano: good point. Can you please add a working example of your idea when adding a node with namespace in it is involved? thanks.