Wednesday, December 29, 2010

tid, ecid, component_instance_id, dcid, composite_instance_id

in a SOA Suite log line, these elements appear:

[2010-12-29T16:37:30.576+00:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.mediator.common.cache] [tid:$WorkWithListener@309d309d] [userId: pierre] [ecid: 0000IomzSwp8lnc5tjw0yX1D1v7j0036DZ,0] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: PierreProject] [component_instance_id: EDF2C8C0136911E0BFFDEF342CAF0998] [dcid: 240449412c647dab:58beda0f:12ce60fee82:-7ffd-000000000000d44b] [component_name: Mediator1] [composite_instance_id: 4] calloutMediatorMessage.toString=oracle.tip.mediator.common.message.MediatorNormalizedMessage@41524152

What do they mean?

tid: ??

ecid: The ECID is used to track a flow messages through and between SOA Composites.

component_instance_id: the identification of the component within the composite.

dcid: ??

composite_instance_id: the identification of the (SCA) composite.

ECID, component_instance_id and composite_instance_id are used for example to show the flow of messages through the several components of you composites...

I shall answer to each ?? as I find out...


Unknown said...

The ECID is used to track a flow messages through and between SOA Composites.
The component_instance_id is the identification of the component within the composite.
The composite_instance_id is the identification of the (SCA) composite.
These are used for example to show the flow of messages through the several components of you composites...

Peter Paul

vernetto said...

thank you Peter Paul, you are an angel, I have updated my post with your remarks