It's excellent and it builds all Java classes from DB Schema.
Here some info on how to handle entities in JPA:
If you want to ose other tools (not recommended)
Tutorial standalone:
Run Workbench :
Unfortunately Workbench is not JPA aware.
This will explain you how to generate the JPA annotated Java classes from an existing database schema.
This is a JDeveloper demo on JPA
An interesting JPA plugin for Eclipse (99 USD)
EclipseLink gives you JPA in Eclipse
Now let's setup a standalone application; I am using a schema SCOTT with username SCOTT and password TIGER on my local machine
CREATE TABLE test_entity ( entity_id NUMBER(10), entity_name VARCHAR2(30), entity_description VARCHAR2(50) );
The JPA entity class:
package my.entity; import; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Id; /** JPA Annotation linking DB table to Java Class. */ @Entity @Table(name = "TEST_ENTITY", schema = "SCOTT") public class TestEntity implements Serializable { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The testEntity id. */ @Id @Column(name = "ENTITY_ID") private int entityId; /** The testEntity name. */ @Column(name = "ENTITY_NAME") private String entityName; /** The testEntity description. */ @Column(name = "ENTITY_DESCRIPTION") private String entityDescription; /** * Instantiates a new testEntity. */ public TestEntity() {} /** * Setter for the testEntity variable. * * @param entityId - the new value */ public void setTestEntityId(int entityId) { this.entityId = entityId; } /** * Getter for the testEntity variable. * * @return int */ public int getEntityId() { return entityId; } /** * Setter for the entityName variable. * * @param entityName - the new value */ public void setEntityName(String entityName) { this.entityName = entityName; } /** * Getter for entityName variable. * * @return String */ public String getEntityName() { return entityName; } /** * Setter for entityDescription variable. * * @param entityDescription - the new value */ public void setEntityDescription(String entityDescription) { this.entityDescription = entityDescription; } /** * Gettter for entityDescription variable. * * @return String */ public String getEntityDescription() { return entityDescription; } }
use these jars:
the persistence.xml should be:
oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider jdbc/localXE my.entity.TestEntity
and this is the test client:
package my.entity; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class TestEntityHandler implements Serializable { /** Default Serial Version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The Default Class LOGGER. */ private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance( TestEntityHandler.class.getName()); /** The entity manager factory. */ private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = null; /** The Entity Manager for JAXB container managed persistence. */ protected EntityManager em = null; /** The testEntity. */ private TestEntity testEntity = null; /** * Public constructor. */ public TestEntityHandler() { testEntity = new TestEntity(); } /** * Initialise and return the JAXB EntityManager to be used by this Class instance. * * @return - a valid [initialised] EntityManager instance */ private EntityManager initialiseEntityManager() { try { if (em == null) { em = getEntityManager();"Initialised Entity Manager: " + em); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to initialise EntityManager instance! ... " + e, e); } return em; } /** * Persist a new instance of the Entity. */ public void create() { initialiseEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.persist(testEntity); em.getTransaction().commit(); //em.close(); } /** * Persist updated details of an existing instance of the Entity. */ public void update() { initialiseEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.merge(testEntity); em.getTransaction().commit(); // This next step should not be necessary; but sometimes update is not propagated !?? em.getTransaction().begin(); refreshEntity(testEntity); em.getTransaction().commit(); //em.close(); } /** * Delete an existing instance of the Entity from the system. */ public void delete() { initialiseEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.remove(testEntity); em.getTransaction().commit(); //em.close(); } /** * Gets the testEntity. * * @return the testEntity */ public TestEntity getTestEntity() { return testEntity; } /** * Sets the testEntity. * * @param testEntity_ the new testEntity */ public void setTestEntity(TestEntity testEntity_) { this.testEntity = testEntity_; } // Everything below belongs in other Class(es), reproduced here for simplicity. /** * Gets the entity manager. * * @return the entity manager */ private EntityManager getEntityManager () { try { if (entityManagerFactory == null) {"Attempting to create EntityManger ... "); Map override = new HashMap(); // Override the provider used for persistence override.put("provider", "oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider"); // This name must correspond to value in META-INF/persistence.xml entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myPersistenceUnit"); } EntityManager entityManager = null; entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();"Returning EntityManger instance:= " + entityManager); return entityManager; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception in PersistenceManager.getEntityManager: " + e, e); } return null; } /** * Refresh the entity from database. * * @param TestEntity - abstract class (substituted at runtime) that is to be refreshed */ protected void refreshEntity(TestEntity testEntity) { try { em.refresh(testEntity); } catch(EntityNotFoundException ex){ LOGGER.debug("Failed to refresh entity; this may not be a problem"); } } /** * Close the EntityManager instance. */ public void closeEM() { em.close(); } public static void main(String args[]) { TestEntityHandler testEntityHandler = new TestEntityHandler(); TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity(); testEntity.setTestEntityId(500); testEntity.setEntityName("PierreLuigi"); testEntity.setEntityDescription("This is a test"); testEntityHandler.setTestEntity(testEntity); testEntityHandler.create();"Created new TestEntity; check database now ... "); try { Thread.sleep(10000);"Resuming ... "); } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Before continuing check database to ensure that object was created. testEntity.setEntityName("PierreLuigi Vernetto"); testEntityHandler.setTestEntity(testEntity); testEntityHandler.getTestEntity().setEntityDescription("This is a second test (UPDATE)"); testEntityHandler.update();"Updated new TestEntity; check database now ... "); try { Thread.sleep(10000);"Resuming ... "); } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Before continuing check database to ensure that object was updated. testEntity.setEntityName("Pierluigi Vernetto is stupid"); testEntity.setEntityDescription("This is a second test (UPDATE)"); testEntityHandler.delete();"Deleted new TestEntity."); testEntityHandler.closeEM(); // Now check that the object was deleted. } }
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