Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Windows mapping network drives

Open Windows Explorer, Tools, Map Netword Drives,
enter FOLDER (eg \\acme1999\PIPPOPPRD) and click on "Connect Using a different user name", enter username and pw

If you get this message:

"the network folder specified is currently mapped using a different name and pw"

then open a command prompt, enter

net use

if you see \\acme1999\PIPPOPPRD in the list, issue a

net use \\acme1999\PIPPOPPRD /delete

and try again

Welcome to the wonderful world of Widows (TM).

If dogs worked in the office...

And now there is even a youtube video!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hyperic, my first WEBLOGIC working plugin (Still not working...)

java -Dplugins.include=mysecondplugin -Djmx.url=service:jmx:iiop://localhost:8001/jndi/ -Djava.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar -m discover -a metric -Dlog=debug

WebLogic Cluster Availability:
getValue failed for metric: WebLogic Cluster:com.bea:type=ClusterRuntime,name=%name%:AliveServerCount:jmx.url=service%3Ajmx%3Aiiop%3A//localhost%3A8001/jndi/,jmx.username=weblogic,jmx.password=%jmx.password%
MetricUnreachableException: Can't connect to MBeanServer [{jmx.username=weblogic, jmx.url=service:jmx:iiop://localhost:8001/jndi/}]: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is t3://localhost:7001: Destination unreachable; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination]
org.hyperic.hq.product.MetricUnreachableException: Can't connect to MBeanServer [{jmx.username=weblogic, jmx.url=service:jmx:iiop://localhost:8001/jndi/}]: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is t3://localhost:7001: Destination unreachable; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination]
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.unreachable(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxMeasurementPlugin.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.MeasurementPluginManager.getPluginValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.MeasurementPluginManager.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.MeasurementPluginManager.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.MeasurementPluginManager.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDumper.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDumper.fetchMetrics(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDiscoverer.dumpProperties(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDiscoverer.dumpProperties(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDiscoverer.dumpServer(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDiscoverer.runtimeScan(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDiscoverer.start(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDumper.testDiscovery(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginDumper.invoke(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginMain.main(
Caused by: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is t3://localhost:7001: Destination unreachable; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination]
at Source)
at Source)
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getMBeanConnector(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getCachedMBeanConnector(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getValue(
at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getValue(
... 15 more

class is org.hyperic.hq.product.servlet.client.JMXRemote

C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\prod_domain>java weblogic.Admin -url t3://localhost:8001 -username weblogic -password weblogic1 -pretty GET -type ClusterRuntime
MBeanName: "prod_domain:ServerRuntime=ms1,Name=mycluster,Type=ClusterRuntime,Location=ms1"
AliveServerCount: 1
CachingDisabled: true
CurrentMachine: mymachine
ForeignFragmentsDroppedCount: 0
FragmentsReceivedCount: 0
FragmentsSentCount: 109
HealthState: Component:null,State:HEALTH_OK,MBean:null,ReasonCode:[]
MulticastMessagesLostCount: 0
Name: mycluster
Parent: ms1
PrimaryCount: 0
Registered: true
ResendRequestsCount: 0
SecondaryCount: 0
ServerMigrationRuntime: ServerMigrationRuntime
ServerNames: ms1
Type: ClusterRuntime
UnicastMessaging: UnicastMessagingRuntime

NullPointerException in;Ljava.lang.String;

####<May 29, 2012 9:15:21 AM CEST> <Warning> <RMI> <hqchnesoa104> <osbts1ms1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '37' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <9455361429c2e897:-625be7be:13750d021c6:-8000-000000000005d8ff> <1338275721766> <BEA-080003> <RuntimeException thrown by rmi server:;Ljava.lang.String;;)

Still investigating....

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Extracting a single resultset row from sql:query resultset

I know, JSTL SQL breaks the MVC pattern. Who cares. It's quick and dirty and it works.
I simply hate complicated setups of MVC products, gimme the result now with minimal effort and I will be grateful to you.

So, all the examples are about retrieving a ResultSet with a sql:query:

<sql:query var="rsInterfaceNames" dataSource="jdbc/soainfra_dev2">
select unique InterfaceID from WLI_QS_REPORT_VIEW order by InterfaceID DESC

and then do a

<c:forEach var="rowIF" items="${rsInterfaceNames.rows}">
do something with ${rowIF.someAttribute}

This simply doesn't apply when you retrieve a ResultSet with a single row, suck as in SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SOMETABLE;

Here is the javadoc of the object returned into the resultset var:

and here is how you can get the value of count(*):


in case you have trouble with conversions, just use select TO_CHAR(count(*)) ...

Book: Oracle WebLogic Administration Essentials

This book is good if you just want to be introduced to WebLogic; I could not find any really advanced information. Nevertheless, I found it quite comprehensive and well explained. A good starting point for whoever wants to become a professional WebLogic Administrator.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Replacing values in XML is easy with XmlTask

especially the replace command is quite useful:

  <xmltask source="../${env.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT}/tmp/System/SMTP_Servers/EmailServer.SMTPServer" dest="../${env.BUILD_ENVIRONMENT}/tmp/System/SMTP_Servers/EmailServer.SMTPServer">
    <!-- change email server URL -->
    <replace path="/xml-fragment/*[local-name(.)='serverURL']/text()" withText="${EmailServer.smtp.Server_URL}"/>
    <!-- change email server port number -->
    <replace path="/xml-fragment/*[local-name(.)='portNumber']/text()" withText="${EmailServer.smtp.Port_Number}"/>

as explained in this excellent post, you can use it to customize a OSB project

how to encrypt password md5

or, more simply:

The FTP MOVE operation with a JCA FTP Adapter

the difference between the case with RNFR-RNTO and the case of COPY/DELETE. The difference is simpls using

UseNativeRenameOperation = "true"
UseFtpRenameOperation = "true"

in the dynamic JCA properties of the Business Service built on top the JCA FTPAdapter

UseNativeRenameOperation = "true"
UseFtpRenameOperation = "true"

the MOVE is done with a RNFR-RNTO:

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:41:17,664 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: RNFR /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982077267PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982077267.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:41:17,665 [myuser] [] SENT: 350 Requested file action pending further information.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:41:17,666 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: RNTO /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982077267PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982077267.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:41:17,667 [myuser] [] File rename from "/myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982077267PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982077267.xml" to "/myuser/environments/env-0/ave/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982077267PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982077267.xml"
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:41:17,668 [myuser] [] SENT: 250 Requested file action okay, file renamed.

THIS IS THE BAD CASE, without using the "UseNative" options: the move is done by RETRIEVING locally the file, COPYING it to destination and DELETING the remote source:

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,806 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: RETR /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,807 [myuser] [] File downloaded /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ WARN] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,808 [myuser] [] Releasing unreserved passive port: 54862
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,808 [myuser] [] SENT: 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,808 [myuser] [] SENT: 226 Transfer complete.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,847 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: PWD
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,848 [myuser] [] SENT: 257 "/" is current directory.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,848 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: TYPE I
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,849 [myuser] [] SENT: 200 Command TYPE okay.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,849 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: PWD
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,850 [myuser] [] SENT: 257 "/" is current directory.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,850 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: CWD /myuser/environments/env-0/ave
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,851 [myuser] [] SENT: 250 Directory changed to /myuser/environments/env-0/ave

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,851 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: PASV
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,852 [myuser] [] SENT: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,56,5,192,234,152)

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,852 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: STOR POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,853 [myuser] [] File uploaded /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ WARN] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,853 [myuser] [] Releasing unreserved passive port: 60056
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,853 [myuser] [] SENT: 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,854 [myuser] [] SENT: 226 Transfer complete.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,894 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: CWD /
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,895 [myuser] [] SENT: 250 Directory changed to /

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,896 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: PWD
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,897 [myuser] [] SENT: 257 "/" is current directory.

[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,898 [myuser] [] RECEIVED: DELE /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,899 [myuser] [] File delete : myuser - /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml
[ INFO] 2012-05-25 23:47:17,899 [myuser] [] SENT: 250 Requested file action okay, deleted /myuser/environments/env-0/ave/tmp/POCREATE^PuO20111212_164122_1640.txt^AVE^1337982437334PO_FFMW_AVE_1337982437334.xml.

note: those options are totally undocumented

you need to add this


in your BS at the end of the tran:provider-specific section

These events are visible also in the WLS logs if you enable java:alsb-jca-framework-adapter-debug in alsbdebug.xml

Friday, May 25, 2012

BeanShell callout for OSB

Problem with Java Callouts is that they are a pain to maintain - separate Java project, need to build and deploy to OSB project.

If you have frequent, simple Java code to execute, you might avail yourself of an INTERPRETER like BeanShell

Just copy bsh-2.0b4.jar to $DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory, restart your server, and you are ready to use the BeanShellJavaCallout Java wrapper to BeanShell:

package com.acme.javacallout; 

import bsh.EvalError;
import bsh.Interpreter;

public class BeanShellJavaCallout {
 public static String callBeanShell(String code) throws EvalError {
  Interpreter i = new Interpreter();
  Object result = i.eval(code);
  return result.toString(); 

package com.acme.javacallout; 

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

import bsh.EvalError;
import bsh.Interpreter;

public class BeanShellJavaCalloutTest {
 public void callBeanShellTest() throws EvalError {
  System.setProperty("weblogic.Name", "osbdv1ms1");
  String result = BeanShellJavaCallout.callBeanShell("return java.lang.System.getProperty(\"weblogic.Name\")");
  assertEquals("osbdv1ms1", result);

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Resignation letter

I have found this email in my drafts of several years ago. I was on a project fighting desperately to keep it afloat - spending literally every day until 10 pm, every Saturday and Sunday at office... eventually I was kicked out - my criticism was too loud - and 2 years later the project has failed with almost 100 Million USD thrown down the drain.

I want to leave this project.
I cannot take any more the amount of negativity,
of finger pointing,
of approximation,
of improvisation,
of political talks in the corridor,
of blaming the meek and praising the powerful,
of lack of analysis,
of lack of design,
of total absence of any technical document,
of the omnipresence of buzzwording and obscure language,
of the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing,
of magical thinking,
of religious preaching,
of delegation of responsibility,
of mediocrity,
of irresponsible managers,
of heroic people who want to achieve something being subject to constant criticism by a cohort of useless mediocre unproductive guys,
of constant last minute destruction of things that have taken weeks of hard work to build,
of targets who keep moving so that it becomes impossible to reach them,
of slagging, accusing, backstabbing.

of 3 people who do something and 10 people criticize what the 3 people are doing.

I am resigning now. My last day will be the 19th of September, unless you decide to terminate my contract sooner.

Working for ACME has been a beautiful magical dream. Reality is different.

Now, I feel very proud for having been excluded from that gigantic failure.

Annoying product of the year: Eclipse!

I am a bit surprised, I thought Microsoft would be the winner... but yes, I do hate Eclipse too..

Microsoft Windows performance tips that worked for me

- disable User Access Control

- disable Indexing

- disable Everything Search loading on startup (if you have installed it)

- in Control Panel\Performance Information and Tools , Adjust Visual Effects by unchecking everything and leave only Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts


Doc here

find / -name logrotate 2> /dev/null


less /etc/cron.daily/logrotate


/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
if [ $EXITVALUE != 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/logger -t logrotate "ALERT exited abnormally with [$EXITVALUE]"
exit 0

less /etc/logrotate.conf

# see "man logrotate" for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones

# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed

# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d

# no packages own wtmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
minsize 1M
create 0664 root utmp
rotate 1

/var/log/btmp {
minsize 1M
create 0600 root utmp
rotate 1

# system-specific logs may be also be configured here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hyperic versus Nagios

8.5M vs 860K.... by a factor of 10, Nagios is definitely more popular than Hyperic.

Here they say that "Hyperic customers have successfully transitioned from Nagios to Hyperic's deeper management capabilities and easier deployment. Many have identified Nagios' complex and time consuming setup and limited features as a main reason to migrate their management solution to Hyperic."

I don't have experience (sob) with Nagios, all I can say is that Hyperic is VERY easy to install and use, but when it comes to customization and documentation, it's really really poorly supported.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

China ascent in Software... again

As we have noticed before, the ascent of China in the software bubsiness is FAST. These are the hits in the last month....give it another 3 months and China will be second only to USA and India.... then it will take over India... give it one year... things happen FAST.

The IO operation failed. BINDING.JCA-11096

We are using a JCA FTPAdapter,and occasionally, under load, the FTPMove operation fails:

Unable to delete file '/messages/somefile.xml'; FTP command DELE returned unexpected reply code : 550

WSIF JCA Execute of operation ''FTPMove'' failed due to: The IO operation failed.
The IO operation failed.
The "OPER[NOOP][S->R,T->R]" IO operation for "/messages/somefile.xml" failed.
; nested exception is: 
The IO operation failed.
The IO operation failed',null,null,null);

Looking in the oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPIoOperation, I find out that "S->R,T->R" means "Source=Remote, Target=Remote - in fact we are moving files on the remote destination only.

and I see in the logs:

Error deleting file from FTP Server.
Error deleting file from FTP Server.
Unable to delete file from server.
Please ensure whether the remote file has delete permission.

        at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPClient.deleteFile(
        at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPAgent.deleteFile(
        at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPIoOperation.deleteFile(
        at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPIoOperation.ioOnly(

and in this case the code executed is:

if(!alreadyMoved && success && move)
deleteFile(fs.getSourceAgent(), spec, fInfo);
catch(Exception e)
throw new FileRetriableResourceException(11096, new Object[] {
(new StringBuilder()).append("OPER[NOOP][").append(mode).append("]").toString(), (new StringBuilder()).append(targetDir).append("/").append(targetFile).toString()
}, e);

Error "Please ensure whether the remote file has delete permission" is 11434

The delete is actually done in oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPClient:

public boolean deleteFile(FTPManagedConnection managedConnection, String file)
        throws IOException, ResourceException
        Socket controlSocket = managedConnection.getControlSocket();
        String replyStr = dele(controlSocket, file);
        int rc = getReplyCode(replyStr, m_ftpDesc.ftpHost);
        log((new StringBuilder()).append("FTPClient.deleteFile(): ").append(replyStr).toString(), 102);
            log((new StringBuilder()).append("Unable to delete file '").append(file).append("'; ").append("FTP command DELE returned unexpected reply code : ").append(rc).toString(), 100);
            FileResourceException frex = new FileResourceException(11434);
            throw frex;
        } else
            return true;

in oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPReply I find out that:

public static final int FILE_UNAVAILABLE = 550;

still no clue on what goes wrong...

I understand that there is a FTP RNTO mode, if you want to enable, specify the JCA activation property UseFtpRenameOperation=true or UseNativeRenameOperation=true.
This will entail using a move() operation rather than a copy followed by a delete (you have to look at FTPIoOperation.ioOnly() method).

PS I discovered after a lot of pain that we were generating twice the same filename on the destination.... not a good idea...

SQLPlus command line instructions

echo exit | sqlplus dv1_soainfra/dv1_password@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(' @c:/pierre/sql/mycommands.sql

all in one :o)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Performance test of JDBCStore versus Local FileStore vs NFS FileStore

- created JDBCStore PerfTestJDBCStore1,2,3,4 in PROD, based on SOADataSource (RAC) and targeted to osbpr1ms1, 2, 3, 4 migratable
- created PerfTestJMSServer1,2,3,4 based on PerfTestJDBCStore1, 2, 3, 4
- created PerfTestJMSModule , subdeployment PerfTestSD with targets PerfTestJMSServer1,2,3,4
- created PerfTestJMSDQ, Uniform Distributed Queue , targetd PerfTestJMSServer1, 2,3,4

created a project JMSPerfTest with a PS PerfTestJMSPS reading from the queue (jms://,,, and routing to a BS PerfTestJMSBS which writes to the same queue

In practice the system reads and writes to the same queue, like a cat spinning on itself trying to catch his own tail (dogs do this more than cats)

I trigger the system by dropping a jmsmessage in each separate instance of the Distributed Queue. The message says “”. It’s of type String and it’s Persistent.

I enable monitoring on the PS. I observe 74K messages per minute.

I do the same by using a local FileStore instead of the JDBC store. The file location is /opt/oracle/domains/osbpr1do/servers/osbpr1ms1,2,3,4/data/store (local, no NFS)

I restart the managed servers just in case.
Observed speed is 600K messages per minute!

A third experiment is done with FileStore pointing to the NFS store:
Thruput: 140K messages per minute.

Morale is:
- all 3 setups (JDBCStore, Local FileStore, NFS FileStore) seem MORE than fast enough for our needs
- Local FileStore is faster, then NFS FileStore, then JDBCStore

I haven’t tested scenarios with Transactions Required.

WebLogic, how to run SQL commands without SQLPlus

few people know this :o) :

. ./bin/

java utils.Schema
Usage: java utils.Schema <url> <driver> [options] <SQL file>

<url> JDBC driver URL.
<driver> JDBC driver class pathname.
<SQL file> Text file with SQL statements.

where options include:
-u <user> User name to be passed to database.
-p <password> User password to be passed to database.
-verbose Print SQL statements and database messages.

utils.Schema is a class in weblogic.jar

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Troubleshooting a "server down" or a "filesystem full"

Server myserver down:
ping myserver
ssh myuser@myserver

check if Hyperic monitoring agent is running:
ps -eaf|grep agent|grep java|grep -v grep

For a file system full or about to be full:

df –k
cd filesystemName
du 2> /dev/null | sort -nr | cut -f2- | xargs du -hs 2> /dev/null | more


Apple vs Microsoft

it's still very true.
It's one of the greatest mystery of life, why corporate IT departments insist on passing you this kind of crap, and then be surprised if 80% of IT projects fail.

Friday, May 18, 2012

In IT, stay human


Let us not allow IT technologies turn us into sad isolated cogs of the machinery

Thursday, May 17, 2012

OSB Cannot create resource outside of a session

Today I was unable to activate a OSB session after making some changes.
The only way was to restart cluster and admin....
I suspect someone made some configuration changes in WebLogic and didn't restart.

Failing to restart after making configuration changes can lead to funny behaviour.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scrum for dummies

fun and comprehensive:

This is the product they advertise, OnTime Scrum

reblogging from Chris blog

Monday, May 14, 2012

OSB RouterRuntimeCache and performance tuning

I was unaware that{size}
can be quite important in tuning performance in OSB projects entailing a large number of Proxies...

good to know!

Also the rest of the article is quite interesting.

Hyperic and SNMP traps

I add

restart agent

netstat -an

UDP *:*

Click on Resources/New Platform/

description=receiving SNMP traps
Platform type=Network device
agent connection=


now scroll down and click Edit in the "Configuration Properties"

snmpPort=1620 (instead of the default 161)


I get "Error contacting resource: Unable to connect to SNMP Agent ( v2c,public)"

... to be continued....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hyperic, browse PostgreSQL DB

look in C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\conf\hq-server.conf


To browse the DB:
start HQ Server


Welcome to psql 8.2.5, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

Warning: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
8-bit characters may not work correctly. See psql reference
page "Notes for Windows users" for details.

Useful commands

\h help with SQL commands
? help with psql commands
\du list roles/users
\l list databases
\c to choose a database
\d to list tables once in a database
\q quit

I do:

\c hqdb
and I get plenty of eam_", hq_metric* and qrtz* tables. It looks quite complex.

select * from eam_platform;
select * from eam_resource;

here the manual of psql

If you need a GUI, here a lost of GUI who support PostgreSQL

I have installed Squirrel, and copied postgresql-7.4.3.jar from Hyperic to C:\pierre\squirrel\lib (requires restart). It connects without problem (use jdbc:postgresql:// hqadmin hqadmin), but then I am lost in this UI.

Hyperic: my first WORKING plugin

(after 1 day of pain and sorrow)

Run your test application:

java\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24 com.acme.hqautomation.jmx.SimpleAgent

and then run the monitoring plugin:

java -Dplugins.include=myfirstplugin -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar -m discover -a metric -Dlog=debug

BEWARE! the xml filename must be myfirstplugin-plugin.xml (I think the idea of adding the -plugin is REALLY stupid anyway, and it's not explained in the doc)

Here is SimpleAgent

package com.acme.jmx;

public class SimpleAgent {
   private MBeanServer mbs = null;

   public SimpleAgent() {

      // Get the platform MBeanServer
       mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();

      // Unique identification of MBeans
      Hello helloBean = new Hello();
      ObjectName helloName = null;

      try {
         // Uniquely identify the MBeans and register them with the platform MBeanServer 
         helloName = new ObjectName("SimpleAgent:name=hellothere");
         mbs.registerMBean(helloBean, helloName);
      } catch(Exception e) {

   // Utility method: so that the application continues to run
   private static void waitForEnterPressed() {
      try {
         System.out.println("Press  to continue...");;
      } catch (Exception e) {

   public static void main(String argv[]) {
      SimpleAgent agent = new SimpleAgent();
      System.out.println("SimpleAgent is running...");

Here is myfirstplugin-plugin.xml (the entity process-metrics.xml has been removed since I am not monitoring the process, only the jmx metrics)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE plugin>
<plugin package="">
<include name="pdk/lib/mx4j"/>
<filter name="template" value="${OBJECT_NAME}:${alias}"/>
<metrics name="Class Loading Metrics">
<metric name="Loaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metric name="Total Loaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metric name="Unloaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metrics name="Compilation">
<metric name="Total Compilation Time" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup" units="ms"/>
<metrics name="Garbage Collector">
<metric name="Collection Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup"/>
<metric name="Collection Time" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup"/>
<metrics name="Memory">
<metric name="Object Pending Finalization Count" category="THROUGHPUT" indicator="false"/>
<metrics name="Threading">
<metric name="Thread Count" category="UTILIZATION" indicator="false"/>
<metric name="Daemon Thread Count" category="UTILIZATION" indicator="false"/>
<server name="Java" version="1.5.x">
<property name="HAS_BUILTIN_SERVICES" value="true"/>
<property name="VERSION_FILE" value="jre/lib/fontconfig.Sun.2003.bfc"/>
<property name="DEFAULT_PROGRAM" value="bin/java"/>
<property name="domain" value="Java"/>
<option name="jmx.url" description="JMX URL to MBeanServer"  default="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:6969/jmxrmi"/>
<option name="jmx.username" description="JMX username" optional="true" default=""/>
<option name="jmx.password" description="JMX password" optional="true" default="" type="secret"/>
<!--option name="process.query" description="PTQL for Java Process" default="State.Name.eq=java,Args.*"/-->
<!--metric name="Availability" template="sigar:Type=ProcState,Arg=%process.query%:State" indicator="true"/-->

<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=ClassLoading"/>
<metrics include="Class Loading Metrics"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Compilation"/>
<metrics include="Compilation"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Memory"/>
<plugin type="log_track" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxNotificationPlugin"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Threading"/>
<metrics include="Threading"/>
<!-- derive installpath from JAVA_HOME env prop... -->
<property name="PROC_HOME_ENV" value="JAVA_HOME"/>
<!-- derive installpath from -->
<property name="PROC_HOME_PROPERTY" value=""/>
<plugin type="autoinventory" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxServerDetector"/>
<plugin type="measurement" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxMeasurementPlugin"/>
<service name="Java GC">
<plugin type="autoinventory"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*"/>
<metrics include="Garbage Collector"/>
<server name="Java" version="1.6.x" include="1.5.x">
<property name="VERSION_FILE" value="jre/lib/management-agent.jar"/>
 ==================== Plugin Help ===========================
<help name="Java">
  <h3>Configure HQ for monitoring Java</h3>
  1) Add this line to the java options when executing the binary.
  " \
  <br> \
  <br> \
<help name="Java 1.5.x" include="Java"/>
<help name="Java 1.6.x" include="Java"/>

In the autodiscovery, you should now find a "Java 1.6 C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24" resource name, add it, then in the Inventory you should find 2 metrics:

Java 1.6.x Copy Java GC
Java 1.6.x MarkSweepCompact Java GC

The result of running the plugin tester is:

C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24\bin>java -Dplugins.include=myfirstplugin -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar -m discover -a metric -Dlog=debug
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/pierre/hypericagent/agent-4.6.5-EE/bundles/agent-4.6.5/pdk/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] agent.pdkDir=C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] agent.pdkPluginDir=C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk/plugins
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] agent.pdkWorkDir=C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk/work
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager] Initializing in client mode (pdk=C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk)
INFO [main] [ConfigTrackPluginManager] Running on Server, FileMonitor not initiated
DEBUG [main] [MIBTree] C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\mibs MIB dir does not exist
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] Loading plugin: myfirstplugin-plugin.xml (C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins)
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager] Manifest retrieval had an exception (continuing): error in opening zip file
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml expanding C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j...
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j\mx4j-3.0.1.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j\mx4j-jmx-3.0.1.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j\mx4j-remote-3.0.1.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j\mx4j-rjmx-2.1.1.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] myfirstplugin-plugin.xml += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\mx4j\mx4j-tools-3.0.1.jar
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] Loading plugin: netservices-plugin.jar (C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins)
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager]
--- Manifest entries for: jar:file:C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins\netservices-plugin.jar!/ ---
Implementation-Title - Hyperic HQ Plugin - Net Services Plugin
Implementation-Version - 4.6.5
Implementation-Vendor-Id - org.hyperic.hq.plugin
Build-Jdk - 1.6.0_29
Built-By - bob
Manifest-Version - 1.0
Specification-Title - HQ Plugin
Created-By - Apache Maven
Specification-Version - 4.6.5
Build-Date - 20120301-1052
Archiver-Version - Plexus Archiver

DEBUG [main] [ClientPluginDeployer] Unchanged file: C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\work\lib\netservices\dnsjava-2.0.6.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] netservices-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\work\lib\netservices\dnsjava-2.0.6.jar
INFO [main] [MeasurementPlugin] Register TCP Socket proxy for domain: socket
INFO [main] [MeasurementPlugin] Register HTTP proxy for domain: http
INFO [main] [MeasurementPlugin] Register HTTP proxy for domain: url.availability
INFO [main] [MeasurementPlugin] Register FTP proxy for domain: ftp
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] Loading plugin: sqlquery-plugin.jar (C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins)
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager]
--- Manifest entries for: jar:file:C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins\sqlquery-plugin.jar!/ ---
Implementation-Title - Hyperic HQ Plugin - SQL Query Plugin
Implementation-Version - 4.6.5
Implementation-Vendor-Id - org.hyperic.hq.plugin
Build-Jdk - 1.6.0_29
Built-By - bob
Manifest-Version - 1.0
Specification-Title - HQ Plugin
Created-By - Apache Maven
Specification-Version - 4.6.5
Build-Date - 20120301-1052
Archiver-Version - Plexus Archiver

DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar expanding C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc...
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\msbase-1.2.2.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\mssqlserver-1.2.2.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\msutil-1.2.2.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.10.jar
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\ojdbc5-
DEBUG [main] [PluginLoader] sqlquery-plugin.jar += C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\jdbc\postgresql-7.4.3.jar
INFO [main] [SQLQueryMeasurementPlugin] Registered proxy for domain: sql
INFO [main] [ProductPluginManager] Loading plugin: system-plugin.jar (C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins)
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager]
--- Manifest entries for: jar:file:C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins\system-plugin.jar!/ ---
Implementation-Title - Hyperic HQ Plugin - System Plugin
Implementation-Version - 4.6.5
Implementation-Vendor-Id - org.hyperic.hq.plugin
Build-Jdk - 1.6.0_29
Built-By - bob
Manifest-Version - 1.0
Specification-Title - HQ Plugin
Created-By - Apache Maven
Specification-Version - 4.6.5
Build-Date - 20120301-1052
Archiver-Version - Plexus Archiver

DEBUG [main] [SystemPlugin] sigar.mirror.procnet=null
DEBUG [main] [PluginDiscoverer] Adding Auto Scanners=[ServerSignature {stName=Java 1.5.x, match=[null], exclude=[null], regMatch=[null]}, ServerSignature {stName=Java 1.6.x, match=[null], exclude=[null], regMatch=[null]}]
DEBUG [main] [PluginDiscoverer] Adding Registry Scanners=[]
DEBUG [Thread-1] [NullScan] Running AutoServerDetector for: Java 1.5.x
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxServerDetector] ptql=State.Name.sw=java,Args.* matched pids=[[J@12b6c89]
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxServerDetector] C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24\jre\lib\fontconfig.Sun.2003.bfc does not exist, skipping
DEBUG [Thread-1] [NullScan] Running AutoServerDetector for: Java 1.6.x
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxServerDetector] ptql=State.Name.sw=java,Args.* matched pids=[[J@e53220]
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxServerDetector] classpath unchanged using: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxUtil] ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24 resolved to vmid=7960, jmx.url=service:jmx:rmi://
DEBUG [Thread-1] [MxServerDetector] Using the local pid to create jmx url: ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24
DEBUG [Thread-1] [WindowsRegistryScan] Windows Registry Scan starting...
DEBUG [Thread-1] [WindowsRegistryScan] Windows Registry Scan completed, took: 0
1 servers detected

Server: CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x [C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24]
DEBUG [main] [MxUtil] ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24 resolved to vmid=7960, jmx.url=service:jmx:rmi://
DEBUG [main] [MxUtil] created new JMXConnector url=service:jmx:rmi://, classloader=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@17182c1
Java 1.6.x Loaded Class Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(1086.0) -> 1,086.0
Java 1.6.x Total Loaded Class Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(1086.0) -> 1,086.0
Java 1.6.x Unloaded Class Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(0.0) -> 0.0
Java 1.6.x Total Compilation Time:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(102.0) -> 102ms
Java 1.6.x Thread Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(17.0) -> 17.0
Java 1.6.x Daemon Thread Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(16.0) -> 16.0
DEBUG [main] [PluginDiscoverer] Runtime discover for CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x, config=jmx.username=,jmx.password=******,jmx.url=ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24,log=debug,installpath=C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24,
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager] No ProductPlugin found for: Java 1.6.x
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] [discoverServices] serverConfig=platform.log_track.level=Warn,jmx.username=,platform.log_track.enable=true,jmx.password=******,platform.config_track.enable=true,log=debug,installpath=C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24,,platform.type=Win32,platform.ip=,,platform.log_track.eventlogs=System,jmx.url=ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24,
DEBUG [main] [MxUtil] ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24 resolved to vmid=7960, jmx.url=service:jmx:rmi://
DEBUG [main] [MxUtil] created new JMXConnector url=service:jmx:rmi://, classloader=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@17182c1
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] [discoverMxServices] url=ptql:State.Name.sw=java,Args.*\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] [discoverMxServices] objName=java.lang:type=Threading
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] [discoverMxServices] objName=java.lang:type=Threading
DEBUG [main] [MxServerQuery] [findServices] servicePlugins={Java 1.6.x Java GC=null}
DEBUG [main] [MxServerQuery] [findServices] name=java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,*
DEBUG [main] [MxServerQuery] [findServices] services=(2)[java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=Copy, java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=MarkSweepCompact]
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] discovered 2 services
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager] No ControlPlugin found for: Java 1.6.x Java GC
DEBUG [main] [ProductPluginManager] No ControlPlugin found for: Java 1.6.x Java GC
DEBUG [main] [MxServerDetector] discovered 2 services

Runtime Resource Report...
Platform=Win32, (Microsoft Windows 2008)
cprops...cpuSpeed=4 @ 2394 MHz,secondaryDNS=,defaultGateway=,arch=x86,ram=2992 MB,vendor=Microsoft,vendorVersion=2008,primaryDNS=,ip=,version=6.0,
CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x cprops:
CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x services:
CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x Copy Java GC
Java 1.6.x Java GC Collection Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(8.0) -> 8.0
Java 1.6.x Java GC Collection Time:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(12.0) -> 12.0
CH30-0FRNC59 Java 1.6.x MarkSweepCompact Java GC
Java 1.6.x Java GC Collection Count:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(0.0) -> 0.0
Java 1.6.x Java GC Collection Time:
DEBUG [main] [UnitsFormat] format(0.0) -> 0.0


You don't need shoes

all so true!
I have started walking and biking barefoot and it's a LOT better....I have also a maltracking patella and plenty of problems in my legs, and walking barefoot on grass is the best possible physiotherapy.

Think about it. My father's generation - as all the earlier generations since the origin of time - would almost NEVER wear shoes. Shoes are a relatively recent invention, like the combustion engine, and it creates more problems than it solves - just like the combustion engine (of, if you believe that 6 degrees more for average Earth temperature, due to excessive CO2 and methane from combustion engines and heating, is not a problem, wait and see year 2100, when few survivors will have to live in caves to escape from the fury of hurricanes and 500 Km/h winds).

Don't fool with the Crows

today I was biking in the woods along the lake, and I heard a crow caw... caw! caw! caw!
As I often do, I played the mocking bird and I replied "caw! caw! caw!".

Well, the crow didn't like that. Seconds after, I felt the crow banging on my bald head at full speed with his claws. It hurt a little, but it didn't bleed.

So.... don't fool with crows, they don't have much sense of humour!

Hyperic plugin software factory

After many errors and botch-ups, I am persuaded that the best way to develop a plugin is:

a C:\pierre\workspace\HypericAutomation\plugins where to keep in SVN the plugin xml

a C:\pierre\workspace\HypericAutomation\scripts with:


copy ..\plugins\*-plugin.xml C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\plugins\
copy ..\plugins\*-plugin.xml C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\hq-engine\hq-server\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\hq-plugins


cd C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bin
call C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bin\hq-agent.bat stop
cd C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\bin
call C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\bin\hq-server.bat stop


cd C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bin
call C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bin\hq-agent.bat start
cd C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\bin
call C:\pierre\hypericserver\server-4.6.5-EE\bin\hq-server.bat start

and the sequence is:

edit the plugin

this because I have the impression that the agent plugin get overwritten when you restart the server

Also, make sure you shutdown and restart your monitored applications whenever your IP address is changed (if you are on DHCP) !

Saturday, May 12, 2012

SOAPUI, OSB, WSDL and FrontEnd address and port

(guest post, thanks Luis Verge (vergegon pisellon!) Gonzales for this)

Yesterday while using SOAPUI for defining some projects for testing I saw that if I try to use the dynamic?WSDL address I got an error as described below:

1st. Open the Internet explorer and type the address of your WSDL:

Then you will see the wsdl and the soap address (HINT: where does that 9980 port come from???):

If you create a SOAPUI project and you use the dynamic address:

(notice: port is 8105, not 9980!)

Your process will  remain  running trying to solve the address:

(notice again the 9980!)

If you see the previous image you will notice something estrange, the port you were using 8105 is now 9980. Your first question is why?

The response is given in the weblogic configuration, in the cluster configuration and to be more precise: in the HTTP cluster configuration (see image below)


If you read the explanation in oracle documentation:

and in middleware magic:

You will understand how it works.

Apparently, in our current configuration (with network proxies) when we try to use a dynamic address , we don’t get it because is redirecting it to the frontend port and address defined in the cluster.

Normally in that part of the weblogic configuration we should have the loadbalancer address, but unfortunately we have none in dev.

I was wondering on using as the default port in the frontend configuration in the cluster the port 8105, so every request not solved will be redirected to 8105.

That change will require a restart.

Hyperic Plugin HowTo

you must deploy the plugin on both the server and agent side

server and agent:



see immediately this for help
"I tried running the commands with the argument and it is able to match the processes running."

(of course Hyperic documentation make a lot of blablabla but they forget to tell you clearly how to set each property, and leave to you the reverse engineering of their product...)

this is a SERVER plugin ("Java"), exposing SERVICES ("Java GC")

Here how to get the HQ source code:
svn co hyperic-hq

How to have SIGAR discover a WebLogic server:

ps State.Name.eq=java,CredName.User.eq=soa,Args.*.ct=-Dweblogic.Name=osbpp1ms1

where osbpp1ms1 is the server name

Jconsole fails with "Remote thread failed for unknown reason"

"VMPanel.connect" java.lang.InternalError: Remote thread failed for unknown reason

This happens if you run JConsole by double clicking on it, rather than running from a DOC prompt- on Windows Vista.

Yes, I have to use Windows Vista because this is a company laptop. You can laugh at me, laughing makes good blood as we say in Italy.

Hyperic on Oracle DB

(full DDL to create tablespaces at the bottom of the above document....)

create temporary tablespace TEMP_HQDB
tempfile 'TEMP_HQDB.DBF' size 2G extent management local;

this will create a file

create tablespace TS_HQDB logging datafile 'TS_HQDB.dbf' size 3g extent management local;

this will create a file

This could take several minutes.


copy ojdbc6.jar to the installer (what? you need to reinstall Hyperic Server to switch to Oracle DB? Oh no :o(((( ....)

Oracle DB: check constraints enumeration

Traditionally, if you want to restrict the values allowed for a column, you use a foreign key to a reference column in another table.
This can be quite boring, and lead to a proliferation of reference tables.

A simple alternative is using ENUM
CHECK (col1 IN ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday')

SQL developer supports this in the "check constraints", just create a constraint and type MYCOLUMNNAME IN ('Monday', 'Tuesday')

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hyperic JMX Plugin tutorial

this presentation is a bit fuzzy

Notable classes:




This one is a lot better (although video quality sucks, too many skipped frames) on how to query JMX Mbeans in the Hyperic console. I wish the sample code was attached.

Getting Service Name from SID in Oracle DB

select sys_context('userenv','service_name') from dual
select sys_context('userenv','instance_name') from dual

to get all available service_name s: (needs privileged access)

select value from v$parameter where name = 'service_names';

for more info on the sys_context, read here

OSB sending emails

Just reblogging 3 excellent articles by Chris Thomkins

too bad that his blog is not active any more... all the best things in life seem to last very little...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hyperic, GridLink and JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime


Host Server="Weblogic 10.3 osbpp1do osbpp1ms1" (osbpp1do=wldomain, osbpp1ms1=wlserver)

Resource Type="Weblogic 10.3 JDBC Connection Pool"


JDBC Driver Name : oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

MBean as constructed by Hyperic:


Name=SOADataSource2 is the content of jdbc.conn (JDBC Connection Pool name)
ApplicationRuntime=SOADataSource1 is the content of application (Application name)

application must be at least 1 characters long

java weblogic.Admin -url t3://myserver:8001 -username weblogic -password weblogic1 GET -pretty -type JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime


SOADataSource has a JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime

GridLink stuff is a
JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime extends JDBCDataSourceRuntime which extends a ComponentRuntime

while a Generic DataSource is a JDBCDataSourceRuntime extends ComponentRuntime

so... I am afraid you can't monitor GridLink Datasources with Hyperic OOTB, using a traditional prototype "Weblogic 10.3 JDBC Connection Pool": you need to write a custom JMX plugin for that.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hyperic SIGAR PTQL (Process Table Query Language)

java -jar /opt/hyperic/agent/agent-4.6.5-EE/bundles/agent-4.6.5/pdk/lib/sigar-1.6.4.jar

to find a WebLogic process:

ps State.Name.eq=java,CredName.User.eq=soa,Args.*.ct=-Dweblogic.Name=osbdv2ms1

to find all processes:

to find all Java processes:
ps State.Name.eq=java

sigar> ps State.Name.eq=java
6300 pvernet 09:08 1.2G 81M - R 0:15 java:weblogic.Server
9512 ??? ??? 340M 107M - R ??? java
7728 ??? ??? 311M 42M - R ??? java
4784 ??? ??? 908M 325M - R ??? java
4512 pvernet 10:30 262M 18M - R 0:1 java:org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner

you can do ps 6300

sigar> ps 6300
6300 pvernet 09:08 1.2G 82M - R 0:15 java:weblogic.Server

Official doc of Process Table Query Language

SIGAR doc (SIGAR=System Information Gatherer)

You even have a SIGAR API

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hyperic, Anatomy of a JMX plugin

More modern (for 4.6.5):

java -Duser=weblogic -Dpass=weblogic1 -Dplugins.include=jmx -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar jmx MBeanDumper service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myhost:8888/jmxrmi

(8888 is the remote jmx port)

java -Duser=weblogic -Dpass=weblogic1 -Dplugins.include=jmx -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar jmx MBeanDumper service:jmx:iiop://myhost:8001/jndi/

(8001 is the listen port of the WLS)

you will get: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial

so you will add -Djava.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
and a we have this:

java -cp C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\wlfullclient.jar -Duser=weblogic -Dpass=weblogic1 -Djava.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory -Dplugins.include=jmx -jar C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar jmx MBeanDumper service:jmx:iiop://myhost:8001/jndi/

but adding the wlfullclient.jar is not enough, because the classpath is set in the MANIFEST.MF of the hq-pdk-4.6.5.jar:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: bob
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_29
Main-Class: org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginMain
Class-Path: hq-common-4.6.5.jar hq-util-4.6.5.jar commons-logging-1.0.
 4.jar httpclient-4.1.1.jar httpcore-4.1.jar commons-codec-1.4.jar com
 mons-validator-1.3.1.jar commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar commons-digester
 -1.6.jar commons-collections-2.1.1.jar xml-apis-1.3.04.jar jsch-0.1.4
 2.jar log4j-1.2.14.jar velocity-1.6.3.jar commons-lang-2.4.jar oro-2.
 0.8.jar sigar-1.6.4.jar jdom-1.1.jar spring-beans-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar s
 pring-asm-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-context-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-a
 op-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar aopalliance-1.0.jar spring-expression-3.0.5.RELE
 ASE.jar org.springframework.roo.file.monitor-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar org.sp org.springframework.roo.f
 ile.monitor.polling-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar wrapper-3.5.6.jar xstream-1.3.1
 .jar xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar asm-attrs-1.5.3.jar d
 om4j-1.6.1.jar antlr-2.7.6.jar cglib-2.1_3.jar asm-1.5.3.jar spring-t
 x-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar jboss-remoting-2.2.2.SP8.jar jboss-common-logging
 -spi-2.0.4.GA.jar hq-lather-4.6.5.jar backport-util-concurrent-3.1.ja
 r getopt-1.0.13.jar geronimo-j2ee-management_1.0_spec-1.1.jar snmp4j-
 1.11.jar xalan-2.7.1.jar serializer-2.7.1.jar cm-file-monitor-1.0.1.j
 ar cm-versioncontrol-1.0.1.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar slf4j-api-1.6.
 1.jar jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar org.eclipse.jgit-
 jar org.eclipse.jgit.junit- spring-oxm-3.0.5.
 RELEASE.jar jpathwatch-0-94.jar jaxb-api-2.1.jar stax-api-1.0-2.jar a
 ctivation-1.1.jar jaxb-impl-2.1.3.jar

all those classes are in

I copy there the wlfullclient.jar

and I run
java -cp "C:\pierre\hypericagent\agent-4.6.5-EE\bundles\agent-4.6.5\pdk\lib\*" -Duser=weblogic -Dpass=weblogic1 -Djava.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory -Dplugins.include=jmx org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginMain jmx MBeanDumper service:jmx:iiop://myhost:8001/jndi/

and I get Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root ex
ception is t3://localhost:7001: Destination unreachable; nested exception
 is: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination]
        at Source)
        at Source)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getMBeanConnector(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.connect(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxUtil.getMBeanServer(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MBeanDumper.getMBeanServer(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MBeanDumper.dump(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MBeanDumper.dump(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MBeanDumper.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginMain.runMain(
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.util.PluginMain.main(

Were on earth is this "t3://localhost:7001" ? crap!!!

First, enable your Java process to be monitored by remote jmx (see help name="Java" at the end of the myfirstplugin.xml plugin below)

take this file myfirstplugin.xml and put it into $HQ_AGENT_HOME/pdk/plugins
(like /opt/hyperic/agent/agent-4.6.5-EE/bundles/agent-4.6.5/pdk/plugins)

and adjust the localhost:6969 bit:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE plugin [<!ENTITY process-metrics SYSTEM "/pdk/plugins/process-metrics.xml">]>
<plugin package="">
<include name="pdk/lib/mx4j"/>
<filter name="template" value="${OBJECT_NAME}:${alias}"/>
<metrics name="Class Loading Metrics">
<metric name="Loaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metric name="Total Loaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metric name="Unloaded Class Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT"/>
<metrics name="Compilation">
<metric name="Total Compilation Time" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup" units="ms"/>
<metrics name="Garbage Collector">
<metric name="Collection Count" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup"/>
<metric name="Collection Time" indicator="false" category="THROUGHPUT" collectionType="trendsup"/>
<metrics name="Memory">
<metric name="Object Pending Finalization Count" category="THROUGHPUT" indicator="false"/>
<metrics name="Threading">
<metric name="Thread Count" category="UTILIZATION" indicator="false"/>
<metric name="Daemon Thread Count" category="UTILIZATION" indicator="false"/>
<server name="Java" version="1.5.x">
<property name="HAS_BUILTIN_SERVICES" value="true"/>
<property name="VERSION_FILE" value="jre/lib/fontconfig.Sun.2003.bfc"/>
<property name="DEFAULT_PROGRAM" value="bin/java"/>
<property name="domain" value="Java"/>
<option name="jmx.url" description="JMX URL to MBeanServer"  default="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:6969/jmxrmi"/>
<option name="jmx.username" description="JMX username" optional="true" default=""/>
<option name="jmx.password" description="JMX password" optional="true" default="" type="secret"/>
<option name="process.query" description="PTQL for Java Process" default="State.Name.eq=java,Args.*"/>
<metric name="Availability" template="sigar:Type=ProcState,Arg=%process.query%:State" indicator="true"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=ClassLoading"/>
<metrics include="Class Loading Metrics"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Compilation"/>
<metrics include="Compilation"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Memory"/>
<plugin type="log_track" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxNotificationPlugin"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=Threading"/>
<metrics include="Threading"/>
<!-- derive installpath from JAVA_HOME env prop... -->
<property name="PROC_HOME_ENV" value="JAVA_HOME"/>
<!-- derive installpath from -->
<property name="PROC_HOME_PROPERTY" value=""/>
<plugin type="autoinventory" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxServerDetector"/>
<plugin type="measurement" class="org.hyperic.hq.product.jmx.MxMeasurementPlugin"/>
<service name="Java GC">
<plugin type="autoinventory"/>
<property name="OBJECT_NAME" value="java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*"/>
<metrics include="Garbage Collector"/>
<server name="Java" version="1.6.x" include="1.5.x">
<property name="VERSION_FILE" value="jre/lib/management-agent.jar"/>
 ==================== Plugin Help ===========================
<help name="Java">
  <h3>Configure HQ for monitoring Java</h3>
  1) Add this line to the java options when executing the binary.
  " \
  <br> \
  <br> \
<help name="Java 1.5.x" include="Java"/>
<help name="Java 1.6.x" include="Java"/>

restart the agent:

./ restart